Chicagoland Event Rentals does participate with public park rentals. In many cases, public parks do require that you carry a permit issued by that local parks municipality. Many local parks do not have electric readily available to park patrons. It is the customers’ responsibility to make sure that there is operational power at the location of the rental or that they have a generator ready for use at the time of arrival. Chicagoland Event Rentals runs a very tight delivery schedule and cannot be delayed by power issue not in our control. Additional fees may apply if this policy is not adhered to.


Generators are available for rental through Chicagoland Event Rental



Any organized event on park district property requires a permit from the Chicago Park District. The cost depends on the event type and needs of the event, and some parks have restrictions as to what events can and cannot take place. To learn more about the process visit:

For The 606, the Chicago Park District does not permit any runs, walks, or rides on the Bloomingdale Trail. The four access parks have more flexibility and can be permitted as a station for a run, walk or ride at street level.

Permit Categories:

Wedding Permits

Reception Only or Reception with Ceremony

Engagement or Wedding Photography

Learn more & start the application process here for your Non-Commercial Media Permit.

Athletic Events/Rentals

No Run, Walks, Races, or Bike Rides are allowed on the Bloomingdale Trail.

Practices, Games & Tournaments

A permit is required for organized use of athletic fields.  Contact to obtain rental availability and fees.

For games, tournaments or gym rentals that feature amenities listed below, a Special Event Permit – Athletic Level is required. View fees and get started now.

  • 20 or more participants/spectators
  • Amplified sound
  • Advertising or sponsorship activities
  • Selling and/or distributing merchandise, services or food
  • Exercise classes or boot camps
  • Alcohol service or sale
  • Tents
  • Inflatables
  • Stages
  • Walk/Run/Bike Staging
  • Specific location reservations

Picnic Permits

Picnic permits are intended for small events with few event features, such as family reunions or other private social gatherings.  A Special Event Permit-Picnic Level includes rental of a picnic grove and permission for other event features/amenities.

Activities that require a Chicago Park District Special Event Permit include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 50 or more participants/spectators
  • Amplified sound
  • Advertising or sponsorship activities
  • Selling and/or distributing merchandise, services or food
  • Exercise classes or boot camps
  • Alcohol service or sale
  • Tents
  • Inflatables
  • Stages
  • Specific location reservations
  • For gatherings of 50 people or less, that don’t include any of the features listed above, call the park directly to request event space.


A permit is required for the following types of filming and photography

Commercial, such as:

  • Advertising
  • Catalog photos
  • Publications
  • Documentary

Non-commercial use, such as:

  • Engagement photos
  • Wedding photos
  • Cotillion photos
  • Student projects

Applicants must be currently enrolled in an accredited school working on a class project to qualify for a student rate.

View fees and get started now.

News Media Confirmation Permit

To conduct a professional journalism-based activity on park property a News Media Confirmation Permit is required.  To obtain this permit, contact the Chicago Park District Department of Communications at 312-742-4786.

Other Permit Types


Promotions can include one-time retail displays, product/service sampling , and other visibility options. Call New Business Development for rates at 312.742.4292.

Potential Location:

  • All Access Parks with NO trail access


For ongoing sales of food, products or services contact Park Concession Management at 312.750.1035

A Dog-Friendly Area Permit (tag) is required to use one of our Dog-Friendly Areas.  They are available at participating veterinarian offices.  The Chicago Park District, with the cooperation of the Chicago Veterinary Medical Association, developed a process for distributing permits for our Dog-Friendly Areas (DFAs). Permits are available at the offices of participating veterinarians for a cost of $5 per dog.

Learn more about DFA tags.

Community Access Permit

All independent homeowners or community groups who wish to access CPD property to self-perform work either on adjacent, private property or directly on CPD property are required to obtain a Community Access Permit before beginning any project.

These community-based projects are to be accomplished without engaging the services of a professional company, either for compensation or pro-bono. If this stipulation does not apply to the project, a standard Access Permit is required. Learn more.

Standard Access Permit (Construction)

All persons not under direct contract with the Chicago Park District who will be performing work on Park District property are required to obtain an Access Permit. The firm or persons performing the work should apply for the permit. Learn more.

Research Permit

All researchers conducting investigations on Park District property are required to obtain a Research Access Permit before beginning any project. These research investigations, by nature, are to be completely noninvasive to the park, leaving no materials or equipment in the parks after a project has completed. If these stipulations do not apply to the nature of the project, a Standard Access Permit is required.  Learn more about Research Access Permits.


Chicagoland Event Rentals does participate with public park rentals. In many cases, public parks do require that you carry a permit issued by that local parks municipality. Many local parks do not have electric readily available to park patrons. It is the customers’ responsibility to make sure that there is operational power at the location of the rental or that they have a generator ready for use at the time of arrival. Chicagoland Event Rentals runs a very tight delivery schedule and cannot be delayed by power issue not in our control. Additional fees may apply if this policy is not adhered to.


Generators are available for rental through Chicagoland Event Rental



Any organized event on park district property requires a permit from the Chicago Park District. The cost depends on the event type and needs of the event, and some parks have restrictions as to what events can and cannot take place. To learn more about the process visit:

For The 606, the Chicago Park District does not permit any runs, walks, or rides on the Bloomingdale Trail. The four access parks have more flexibility and can be permitted as a station for a run, walk or ride at street level.

Permit Categories:

Wedding Permits

Reception Only or Reception with Ceremony

Engagement or Wedding Photography

Learn more & start the application process here for your Non-Commercial Media Permit.

Athletic Events/Rentals

No Run, Walks, Races, or Bike Rides are allowed on the Bloomingdale Trail.

Practices, Games & Tournaments

A permit is required for organized use of athletic fields.  Contact to obtain rental availability and fees.

For games, tournaments or gym rentals that feature amenities listed below, a Special Event Permit – Athletic Level is required. View fees and get started now.

  • 20 or more participants/spectators
  • Amplified sound
  • Advertising or sponsorship activities
  • Selling and/or distributing merchandise, services or food
  • Exercise classes or boot camps
  • Alcohol service or sale
  • Tents
  • Inflatables
  • Stages
  • Walk/Run/Bike Staging
  • Specific location reservations

Picnic Permits

Picnic permits are intended for small events with few event features, such as family reunions or other private social gatherings.  A Special Event Permit-Picnic Level includes rental of a picnic grove and permission for other event features/amenities.

Activities that require a Chicago Park District Special Event Permit include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 50 or more participants/spectators
  • Amplified sound
  • Advertising or sponsorship activities
  • Selling and/or distributing merchandise, services or food
  • Exercise classes or boot camps
  • Alcohol service or sale
  • Tents
  • Inflatables
  • Stages
  • Specific location reservations
  • For gatherings of 50 people or less, that don’t include any of the features listed above, call the park directly to request event space.


A permit is required for the following types of filming and photography

Commercial, such as:

  • Advertising
  • Catalog photos
  • Publications
  • Documentary

Non-commercial use, such as:

  • Engagement photos
  • Wedding photos
  • Cotillion photos
  • Student projects

Applicants must be currently enrolled in an accredited school working on a class project to qualify for a student rate.

View fees and get started now.

News Media Confirmation Permit

To conduct a professional journalism-based activity on park property a News Media Confirmation Permit is required.  To obtain this permit, contact the Chicago Park District Department of Communications at 312-742-4786.

Other Permit Types


Promotions can include one-time retail displays, product/service sampling , and other visibility options. Call New Business Development for rates at 312.742.4292.

Potential Location:

  • All Access Parks with NO trail access


For ongoing sales of food, products or services contact Park Concession Management at 312.750.1035

A Dog-Friendly Area Permit (tag) is required to use one of our Dog-Friendly Areas.  They are available at participating veterinarian offices.  The Chicago Park District, with the cooperation of the Chicago Veterinary Medical Association, developed a process for distributing permits for our Dog-Friendly Areas (DFAs). Permits are available at the offices of participating veterinarians for a cost of $5 per dog.

Learn more about DFA tags.

Community Access Permit

All independent homeowners or community groups who wish to access CPD property to self-perform work either on adjacent, private property or directly on CPD property are required to obtain a Community Access Permit before beginning any project.

These community-based projects are to be accomplished without engaging the services of a professional company, either for compensation or pro-bono. If this stipulation does not apply to the project, a standard Access Permit is required. Learn more.

Standard Access Permit (Construction)

All persons not under direct contract with the Chicago Park District who will be performing work on Park District property are required to obtain an Access Permit. The firm or persons performing the work should apply for the permit. Learn more.

Research Permit

All researchers conducting investigations on Park District property are required to obtain a Research Access Permit before beginning any project. These research investigations, by nature, are to be completely noninvasive to the park, leaving no materials or equipment in the parks after a project has completed. If these stipulations do not apply to the nature of the project, a Standard Access Permit is required.  Learn more about Research Access Permits.